systemDart function

int systemDart(
  1. List<String> args, {
  2. Directory? workingDirectory,
  3. Progress? progress,
  4. bool nothrow = false,
  5. String throwOnError()?,

Executes the system dart cli which is globally available on PATH

Set nothrow to true to ignore errors when executing the dart command. The exit code will still be non-zero if the command failed and the method will still throw if there is no Dart SDK on PATH

If throwOnError is given and the command returns a non-zero exit code, the result of throwOnError will be thrown regardless of nothrow


int systemDart(
  List<String> args, {
  Directory? workingDirectory,
  dcli.Progress? progress,
  bool nothrow = false,
  String Function()? throwOnError,
}) {
  final systemDartExecutablePath = systemDartExecutable();
  if (systemDartExecutablePath == null) {
    throw "Couldn't find dart executable on PATH.";

  final process = dcli.startFromArgs(
    workingDirectory: workingDirectory?.path,
    progress: progress,
    terminal: progress == null,
    nothrow: nothrow || throwOnError != null,

  final exitCode = process.exitCode ?? -1;

  if (exitCode != 0 && throwOnError != null) {
    throw throwOnError();

  return exitCode;