makeExecutable method

Future<void> makeExecutable()

Makes a file executable 'rwxr-xr-x' (755)


Future<void> makeExecutable() async {
  if (this is Directory) {
    throw "Can't make a Directory executable ($this)";
  if (!existsSync()) {
    throw 'File not found $path';
  if (Platform.isWindows) {
    // The windows file system works differently than unix based ones. exe files are automatically executable
    // But when generating sidekick on windows, it should also be executable on unix systems on checkout.
    // This is done by telling git about the file being executable.
    final p =
        startFromArgs('git', ['update-index', '--chmod=+x', '--add', path]);
    if (p.exitCode != 0) {
      throw 'Could not set git file permission for unix systems for file $path';
  } else {
    final p = startFromArgs('chmod', ['755', absolute.path]);
    if (p.exitCode != 0) {
      throw 'Cloud not set permission 755 for file $path';