Flutter Side Navigation

This package provides support to navigate on your app. It was inspired from both the BottomNavigationBar and Drawer. You can think of it as a drawer which is always open. Kind of like a CEO dashboard web application.

NOTE: If you are looking for a Flutter implementation of this navigation approach check out NavigationRail which I recently stumbled upon after publishing this package.

Table of contents


Side Navigation Bar Preview

Getting started

First add the dependency into your pubspec.yaml:

    side_navigation: ^0.0.7

OR Add the dependency via terminal:

flutter pub add side_navigation

When making use of the package:

import 'package:side_navigation/side_navigation.dart';


Right now it is recommended to wrap the SideNavigationBar in a Row and put an Expanded widget around the content to make it expand the rest of the available width. You can also use an AppBar within the Scaffold.

Minimal Example:

class MainView extends StatefulWidget {
  const MainView({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  _MainViewState createState() => _MainViewState();

class _MainViewState extends State<MainView> {
  /// Views to display
  List<Widget> views = const [
      child: Text('Dashboard'),
      child: Text('Account'),
      child: Text('Settings'),

  /// The currently selected index of the bar
  int selectedIndex = 0;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      /// You can use an AppBar if you want to
      //appBar: AppBar(
      //  title: const Text('App'),

      // The row is needed to display the current view
      body: Row(
        children: [
          /// Pretty similar to the BottomNavigationBar!
            selectedIndex: selectedIndex,
            items: const [
                icon: Icons.dashboard,
                label: 'Dashboard',
                icon: Icons.person,
                label: 'Account',
                icon: Icons.settings,
                label: 'Settings',
            onTap: (index) {
              setState(() {
                selectedIndex = index;

          /// Make it take the rest of the available width
            child: views.elementAt(selectedIndex),

The usage of a header or footer component are completely optional. However you can either use both of them or just one by itself. This example will provide the usage of both simultaneously.


Using custom styles

It is possible to style some components or pass configuration data to the bar through the usage of the SideNavigationBarTheme. By default SideNavigationBarTheme.standard() is used.

If you want to create your own theme just use the SideNavigationBarTheme constructor. You can pass a background color to it and even other themes like SideNavigationBarItemTheme and SideNavigationBarTogglerTheme which both also have a standard() factory constructor.

Example of SideNavigationBarTheme:

class MainView extends StatefulWidget {
  const MainView({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  _MainViewState createState() => _MainViewState();

class _MainViewState extends State<MainView> {
  List<Widget> views = const [
      child: Text('Dashboard'),
      child: Text('Account'),
      child: Text('Settings'),
  int selectedIndex = 0;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Row(
        children: [
            selectedIndex: selectedIndex,
            items: const [
                icon: Icons.dashboard,
                label: 'Dashboard',
                icon: Icons.person,
                label: 'Account',
                icon: Icons.settings,
                label: 'Settings',
            onTap: (index) {
              setState(() {
                selectedIndex = index;
            // Change the background color and disabled header/footer dividers
            // Make use of standard() constructor for other themes
            theme: SideNavigationBarTheme(
              backgroundColor: Colors.grey,
              togglerTheme: SideNavigationBarTogglerTheme.standard(),
              itemTheme: SideNavigationBarItemTheme.standard(),
              showFooterDivider: false,
              showHeaderDivider: false,
              showMainDivider: true
            child: views.elementAt(selectedIndex),

Example of SideNavigationBarTheme with SideNavigationBarItemTheme:

IMPORTANT: Note that passing a custom labelTextStyle with a color won't work because the values will be overridden

... same as in example above
theme: SideNavigationBarTheme(
                      itemTheme: const SideNavigationBarItemTheme(
                        unselectedItemColor: Colors.black,
                        selectedItemColor: Colors.yellow,
                        iconSize: 32.5,
                        labelTextStyle: TextStyle(
                          fontSize: 20,
                          // !! Won't work !! Custom text style colors gets overridden
                          // by unselectedItemColor and selectedItemColor  
                          color: Colors.black
                      togglerTheme: SideNavigationBarTogglerTheme.standard(),
                      showMainDivider: true,
                      showHeaderDivider: true,
                      showFooterDivider: true),

Using Toggler

If you want to use custom icons for toggling the bar or provide a function to perform tasks after tapping the toggle you can use the SideNavigationBarToggler.

The icons for collapsing the bar default to Icons.arrow_left and Icons.arrow_right.


class MainView extends StatefulWidget {
  const MainView({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  _MainViewState createState() => _MainViewState();

class _MainViewState extends State<MainView> {
  List<Widget> views = const [
      child: Text('Dashboard'),
      child: Text('Account'),
      child: Text('Settings'),
  int selectedIndex = 0;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Row(
        children: [
            selectedIndex: selectedIndex,
            items: const [
                icon: Icons.dashboard,
                label: 'Dashboard',
                icon: Icons.person,
                label: 'Account',
                icon: Icons.settings,
                label: 'Settings',
            onTap: (index) {
              setState(() {
                selectedIndex = index;
            toggler: SideBarToggler(
                expandIcon: Icons.keyboard_arrow_left,
                shrinkIcon: Icons.keyboard_arrow_right,
                onToggle: () {
            child: views.elementAt(selectedIndex),



Personally on Desktop I like it more without the AppBar

005-desktop Android Tablet:

On the tablet on the other hand an AppBar blends right in!

005-tablet Android Phone:

For phones, I would recommend only using this type of navigation when the device is in landscape mode. Since the content is displayed very small when in portrait


Future Updates

Currently, the plan is to add support for

  • Choosable position of the toggler
  • Divider more style customizations
  • Maybe let header and footer be normal widget: Github Issue

Bugs, Errors etc.

If you find any weird behaviour, bugs or errors please let me know. Also, an image or a gif will help a lot if the UI behaves differently.

