show_up_animation Build Status

A flutter package to simplify the implementation of "show up" animation

Getting Started

Install dependencies

  show_up_animation: ^1.0.2

Then import wherever you want to implement the animation

import 'package:show_up_animation/show_up_animation.dart';


Wrap any widget you want to animate inside ShowUpAnimation widget and provide a Duration() to delayStart field to control after how much delay the animation fires.

  delayStart: Duration(seconds: 1),
  animationDuration: Duration(seconds: 1),
  curve: Curves.bounceIn,
  direction: Direction.vertical,
  offset: 0.5,
  child: YourWidget(),


To create a list of "show up" animations, use ShowUpList and provide your list of widgets to children parameter.

  direction: Direction.horizontal,
  animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 1500),
  delayBetween: Duration(milliseconds: 800),
  offset: -0.2,
  children: <Widget>[


ShowUpAnimation Properties

You can customize how to do you want to animate your child using the parameters described below.

Property Function
child The widget on which to apply the given ShowUpAnimation
offset The offset by which to slide and child into view from Direction. Use negative value to reverse animation direction. Defaults to 0.2
curve The curve used to animate the child into view. Defaults to Curves.easeIn
direction horizontal or vertical
delayStart The delay with which to animate the child. Takes in a Duration and defaults to 0 seconds
animationDuration The total duration in which the animation completes. Defaults to 800 milliseconds

ShowUpList Properties

Property Function
children The list of widgets on which to apply the given ShowUpAnimation
offset The offset by which to slide and child into view from Direction. Use negative value to reverse animation direction. Defaults to 0.2
curve The curve used to animate each child into view. Defaults to Curves.easeIn
direction horizontal or vertical
delayBetween he delay between animating each children into view. Takes in a Duration and defaults to 300 milliseconds
animationDuration The total duration in which the animation of each child completes. Defaults to 500 milliseconds


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