makeConvertor static method
Create a custom convertor using a specified alphabet.
static Convertor makeConvertor([String? toAlphabet, PaddingParams? options]) {
// Default to Flickr 58
final useAlphabet = toAlphabet ?? constants.flickrBase58;
// Default to baseOptions
final selectedOptions = options ?? PaddingParams(
shortIdLength: getShortIdLength(useAlphabet.length),
paddingChar: useAlphabet[0],
// Check alphabet for duplicate entries
if (Set.from(useAlphabet.split('')).length != useAlphabet.length) {
throw FormatException(
'The provided Alphabet has duplicate characters resulting in unreliable results');
// UUIDs are in hex, so we translate to and from.
final anyBase = AnyBase(AnyBase.hex, useAlphabet);
final fromHex = anyBase.convert;
final toHex = anyBase.revert;
final generate = () => shortenUUID(uuidV4(), fromHex, options);
return Convertor(
generate: generate,
uuid: uuidV4,
fromUUID: (uuid) => shortenUUID(uuid, fromHex, selectedOptions),
toUUID: (shortUuid) => enlargeUUID(shortUuid, toHex),
alphabet: useAlphabet,