Simple package helps you to do navigation in short line without using context (BuildCotext)


You can navigation without context. Show dialog without context. Show bottomSheet without context. Show SnackBar without context and aything else without using any context. And this package will give you context variable to use it whenever and wherever in your code.

Getting started

In MaterialApp in main.dart you must pass Go.navigatorKey to navigatorKey property like this:

      navigatorKey: Go.navigatorKey, //Pass this navigatorKey here
      home:  home: const HomePage(),

and after that you can use this package usefully.


Explaining of how to use this package

Global access to the app context using class Go

  ///If you need context in any file in your code you can use it
  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => page));]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your [widget] to go;

  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).pushReplacement(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => page));]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your [widget] to go and it will
  ///remove previous route from the tree
  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).pushAndRemoveUntil(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => page));]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your [widget] to go and it will
  ///remove all routes from the tree

  ///If you want to pop sothing before
  ///pushing to another widget you could use it,
  ///just pass your [widget] to go
  ///You can navigate using [GoSlide] class
  ///and you can use slideDirection to chose the slide direction
  ///and curve to chose any curve you want //It will navigate like slide animation

  ///You can navigate using [GoScale] class
  ///and use curve to chose any curve you want //It will scale the page gradually during navigation

  ///You can navigate using [GoSize] class
  ///and you can use sizeDirection to chose the where the navigation will begin
  ///and curve to chose any curve you want //It will make the page's size larger smoothly during navigation

  ///You can navigate using [GoRotation] class
  ///and you can use numberOfTurns to chose how many turns you want the page rotate before navigation
  ///and use curve to chose any curve you want //It will make the page rotate at least one time

  ///You can navigate using [GoFade] class
  ///and use curve to chose any curve you want //It will increase opacity smothly during navigation
  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).push(DialogRoute(........));]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your [widget] to go;

  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).pushReplacement(DialogRoute(........));]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your [widget] to go and it will
  ///remove previous route from the tree
  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).pushAndRemoveUntil(DialogRoute(........));]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your [widget] to go and it will
  ///remove all routes from the tree

  ///If you want to pop sothing before
  ///pushing to another widget you could use it,
  ///just pass your [widget] to go
  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).push(RawDialogRoute(.......));]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your [widget] to go;

  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).pushReplacement(RawDialogRoute(.......));]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your [widget] to go and it will
  ///remove previous route from the tree
  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).pushAndRemoveUntil(RawDialogRoute(.......));]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your [widget] to go and it will
  ///remove all routes from the tree

  ///If you want to pop sothing before
  ///pushing to another widget you could use it,
  ///just pass your [widget] to go
  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).push(PageRouteBuilder(......));]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your [widget] to go;

  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).pushReplacement(PageRouteBuilder(......));]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your [widget] to go and it will
  ///remove previous route from the tree
  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).pushAndRemoveUntil(PageRouteBuilder(......));]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your [widget] to go and it will
  ///remove all routes from the tree

  ///If you want to pop sothing before
  ///pushing to another widget you could use it,
  ///just pass your [widget] to go
  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).push(ModalBottomSheetRoute(........));]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your [widget] to go;

  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).pushReplacement(ModalBottomSheetRoute(........));]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your [widget] to go and it will
  ///remove previous route from the tree
  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).pushAndRemoveUntil(ModalBottomSheetRoute(........));]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your [widget] to go and it will
  ///remove all routes from the tree

  ///If you want to pop sothing before
  ///pushing to another widget you could use it,
  ///just pass your [widget] to go
  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).pushNamed("/homePage");]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just passing your route [name] to go

  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).pushReplacementNamed("/homePage");]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your route [name] to go and it will
  ///remove previous route from the tree

  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).pushNamedAndRemoveUntil("/homePage");]
  ///This is simple navigation all you have to do
  ///just pass your route [name] to go and it will
  ///remove all routes from the tree

  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).popAndPushNamed("/homePage");]
  ///If you want to pop sothing before
  ///pushing to another widget you could use it,
  ///just pass your route [name] to go

Back to previous page

  ///If you need to back to previous page you can [Go.back()],
  ///however if you need to pop many routes simply
  ///you have to use [Go.multiBack()] and pass how many time you want to pop
  ///using [numOfBacks].
  ///There is no need to pass [numOfBacks] if you just want to pop one time.

  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context).pop();]

  ///Instead of using [Navigator.of(context)..pop()..pop()..pop();]
  ///If you wand to pop 3 pages
  Go.multiBack(3); //instate of Go.back(); Go.back(); Go.back();

  ///You can back as many as you want
  ///If you wand to pop 5 pages
  ///If you wand to pop 2 pages

Show dialog, bottomSheet, snackBar, and materialBanner using class GoMessenger

  ///Instead of using [showDialog(context: context,builder: (context) => MyCustomDialog());]
  ///If you wnat to [showDialog] without using context
  ///you have to use this function and the package will pass the context automaticlly.
  ///You can use all [showDialog] proparties as usuall.

  ///Instead of using [showModalBottomSheet(context: context, builder: (context) => content);]
  ///If you wnat to [showModalBottomSheet] without using context
  ///you have to use this function and the package will pass the context automaticlly.
  ///You can use all [showModalBottomSheet] proparties as usuall.

  ///Instead of using [ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(snackBar);]
  ///If you wnat to [showSnackBar] without using context
  ///you have to use this function and the package will pass the context automaticlly.
  ///You can use all [showSnackBar] proparties as usuall.

  ///Instead of using [ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showMaterialBanner(materialBanner);]
  ///If you wnat to [showMaterialBanner] without using context
  ///you have to use this function and the package will pass the context automaticlly.
  ///You can use all [showMaterialBanner] proparties as usuall.

Global access to Anything.of(context) using class GofContext

    ///If you need any thing from [Theme.of(context)]
    ///you can use it wherevere in your code without need any context.

    ///If you need any thing from [ModalRoute.of(context)]
    ///you can use it wherevere in your code without need any context.

    ///If you need any thing from [MediaQuery.of(context)]
    ///you can use it wherevere in your code without need any context.

    ///If you need any thing from [Focus.of(context)]
    ///you can use it wherevere in your code without need any context.

    ///If you need any thing from [FocusScope.of(context)]
    ///you can use it wherevere in your code without need any context.

    ///If you need any thing from [DefaultAssetBundle.of(context)]
    ///you can use it wherevere in your code without need any context.

    ///If you need any thing from [MaterialLocalizations.of(context)]
    ///you can use it wherevere in your code without need any context.

    ///If you need any thing from [Scaffold.of(context)]
    ///you can use it wherevere in your code without need any context.

    ///If you need any thing from [ScaffoldMessenger.of(context)]
    ///you can use it wherevere in your code without need any context.

    ///If you need any thing from [Navigator.of(context)]
    ///you can use it wherevere in your code without need any context.

Additional information

I hope this package helped you very well. If you need to contact with me:

Do not hesitate to contact me if you faced any problem.

Mohammad Bahlaq.

