getAllOrders method

Future<List<Order>?> getAllOrders(
  1. String customerAccessToken, {
  2. SortKeyOrder sortKey = SortKeyOrder.PROCESSED_AT,
  3. bool reverse = true,

Returns all Order in a List of Orders.

Returns a List of Orders from the Customer with the customerAccessToken.


Future<List<Order>?> getAllOrders(
  String customerAccessToken, {
  SortKeyOrder sortKey = SortKeyOrder.PROCESSED_AT,
  bool reverse = true,
}) async {
  // final QueryOptions _options =
  //     WatchQueryOptions(document: gql(getAllOrdersQuery), variables: {
  //   'accessToken': customerAccessToken,
  //   'sortKey': sortKey.parseToString(),
  //   'reverse': reverse
  // });
  // final QueryResult result =
  //     await ShopifyConfig.graphQLClient!.query(_options);
  final MutationOptions _options =
      MutationOptions(document: gql(getAllOrdersQuery), variables: {
    'accessToken': customerAccessToken,
    'sortKey': sortKey.parseToString(),
    'reverse': reverse
  QueryResult result = await _graphQLClient!.mutate(_options);
  final ordersData =!['customer']?['orders'];
  if (ordersData == null) return [];
  final orderResult = ordersData as Map<String, dynamic>;
  Orders orders = Orders.fromGraphJson(orderResult);
  // Orders orders = Orders.fromJson(
  //     ((( ?? const {})['customer'] ?? const {})['orders'] ??
  //         const {}));
  return orders.orderList;