ShimmerA constructor

const ShimmerA({
  1. Key? key,
  2. LinearGradient? ownGradient,
  3. required bool isShimmer,
  4. Axis shimmerAxis = Axis.vertical,
  5. List<ShimmerAWidgetParent>? shimmerWidget,
  6. int shimmerCount = 1,
  7. ShimmerADirection direction = ShimmerADirection.ltr,
  8. required Widget child,
  9. Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 1500),
  10. bool isScrolling = false,


const ShimmerA({

  ///[ownGradient] if you need custom gradient.
  ///Your own LinearGradient is provided[ownGradient].
  ///const LinearGradient(
  ///       colors: [
  ///         Color(0xFFEBEBF4),
  ///         Color(0xFFEBEBF4),
  ///         Color(0xFFF4F4F4),
  ///         Color(0xFFEBEBF4),
  ///         Color(0xFFEBEBF4),
  ///       ],
  ///       stops: [0.0, 0.35, 0.5, 0.65, 1.0],
  ///       // begin: Alignment(-1.0, -0.3),
  ///       // end: Alignment(1.0, 0.3),
  ///       begin: Alignment.centerRight,
  ///       end: Alignment.centerLeft,
  ///       tileMode: TileMode.clamp,
  ///     )

  /// [isLoading] Get the bool value to showing [shimmer] widget is enabled or disabled.
  required this.isShimmer,

  ///[shimmerAxis] get Axis value.
  ///[shimmerAxis] default value set [Axis.vertical]
  ///This determines whether the [shimmerWidget] will display horizontally or vertically.
  this.shimmerAxis = Axis.vertical,

  ///[shimmerWidget] get list of [ShimmerWidget].
  ///If you don't provide [shimmerWidget].
  /// Then the default shimmer animation is shown.

  ///[shimmerCount] get int value.
  ///Counts how many [shimmerWidget] widgets will show.
  this.shimmerCount = 1,

  /// An enum defines all supported directions of shimmer effect
  /// * [ShimmerADirection.ltr] left to right direction
  /// * [ShimmerADirection.rtl] right to left direction
  /// * [ShimmerADirection.ttb] top to bottom direction
  /// * [ShimmerADirection.btt] bottom to top direction
  this.direction = ShimmerADirection.ltr,

  /// [child] The layout you want to see when finished loading.
  /// [child] has granted viewing privileges to this layout.
  required this.child,
  this.duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 1500),
  this.isScrolling = false,