getRoutersByClass function

Router getRoutersByClass(
  1. List<Type> routeClasses

Gets a reference list of classes as Type list and goes through each one of them to determine the routes within these classes, declared through a @Route annotation. So in this case, every class would represent a bundle of controllers and every function with a @Route annotation would represent a controller itself.

The usage is fairly simple. You first need to declare your routes as shown below:

import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import 'package:shelf_router/shelf_router.dart';
import 'package:shelf_router_classes/shelf_router_classes.dart';

class ExampleService {
  @Route('GET', '/example')
  Response getAllExamples(Request request) {
    return Response.ok('["1", "2", "3", "4"]');

  @Route('GET', '/example/<number>')
  Response getSpecificExample(Request request, int number) {
    return Response.ok(number);

  @Route('POST', '/example')
  Future<Response> postExampe(Request request) async {
    return Response.ok(await request.readAsString());

After doing this, your controller is ready. Now you can pass references of your classes into getRoutersByClass. You can declare your router as below and serve it:

void main(List<String> arguments) async {
  Router router = getRoutersByClass([ExampleService, ExampleSecondService]);
  await serve(logRequests().addHandler(router), 'localhost', 8080);

Now all the annotations that you declared on top of your methods inside the classes passed into getRoutersByClass will automatically be declared inside your router and be served.


Router getRoutersByClass(List<Type> routeClasses) {
  var methods = getRouteData(routeClasses);

  final _router = Router();
  setupRoutes(methods, _router);
  return _router;