mustache function

Middleware mustache(
  1. ValuesProvider valuesProvider, {
  2. String? includePath,
  3. Predicate? predicate,

Mustache renderer shelf.Middleware

Basically you specify the valuesProvider function, that gets evaluated on each request, providing data for mustache.

You can specify a predicate function, that checks if the current request should be processed by the mustache template processor.

If you are using mustache includes (also known as partials), you might want to configure the includePath.


shelf.Middleware mustache(
  ValuesProvider valuesProvider, {
  String? includePath,
  Predicate? predicate,
}) {
  return (shelf.Handler innerHandler) {
    return (shelf.Request request) async {
      final response = await innerHandler(request);

      /// Test if we want to mustache this request
      if (predicate == null || await predicate(request, response)) {
        final body = await response.readAsString();

        /// Rerender body with mustache
        final mustachedBody = body.mustache(
          await valuesProvider(),
          includePath: includePath ?? '.',

        /// Return new body
        return response.change(body: mustachedBody);
      } else {
        /// Respond unchanged
        return response;