mustache method

String mustache(
  1. dynamic values, {
  2. String includePath = '.',

Processes this string with mustache template engine.

You specify the values to provide data for mustache.

If you are using mustache includes (also known as partials), you might want to configure the includePath.


String mustache(dynamic values, {String includePath = '.'}) {
  var template = Template(this, partialResolver: (path) {
    var resolvedFile = File(includePath + '/' + path);
    if (resolvedFile.existsSync()) {
      var resolvedString = resolvedFile.readAsStringSync();
      return Template(resolvedString);
    } else {
      throw ArgumentError(
          'Trying to include file "$path" at "${resolvedFile.absolute.path}" but no file found. Hint: You can configure the base include path with the "includePath" parameter.');

  return template.renderString(values);