enforceSSL function

Middleware enforceSSL({
  1. Response? errorResponse,

This Middleware will ensure that your users are using HTTPS.

errorResponse is the error response that will be returned if the user is not using HTTPS. by default it is a 403 Forbidden response with the message "Please use HTTPS when submitting data to this server."


Middleware enforceSSL({Response? errorResponse}) {
  return (innerHandler) {
    return (request) {
      // Checking if the request is secure.
      if (!request.requestedUri.isScheme('HTTPS')) {
        // If not, redirect to the same URL but with HTTPS.
        if (request.method == 'GET') {
          return Response.movedPermanently(
            request.requestedUri.replace(scheme: 'https'),
        // If the request is not a GET request, return a 403 Forbidden.
        else {
          return errorResponse ??
                body: 'Please use HTTPS when submitting data to this server.',
      return innerHandler(request);