Request constructor

  1. String method,
  2. Uri requestedUri, {
  3. String? protocolVersion,
  4. Map<String, Object>? headers,
  5. String? handlerPath,
  6. Uri? url,
  7. Object? body,
  8. Encoding? encoding,
  9. Map<String, Object>? context,
  10. void onHijack(
    1. void (
      1. StreamChannel<List<int>>

Creates a new Request.

handlerPath must be root-relative. url's path must be fully relative, and it must have the same query parameters as requestedUri. handlerPath and url's path must combine to be the path component of requestedUri. If they're not passed, handlerPath will default to / and url to requestedUri.path without the initial /. If only one is passed, the other will be inferred.

body is the request body. It may be either a String, a List<int>, a Stream<List<int>>, or null to indicate no body. If it's a String, encoding is used to encode it to a Stream<List<int>>. The default encoding is UTF-8.

If encoding is passed, the "encoding" field of the Content-Type header in headers will be set appropriately. If there is no existing Content-Type header, it will be set to "application/octet-stream". headers must contain values that are either String or List<String>. An empty list will cause the header to be omitted.

The default value for protocolVersion is '1.1'.


onHijack allows handlers to take control of the underlying socket for the request. It should be passed by adapters that can provide access to the bidirectional socket underlying the HTTP connection stream.

The onHijack callback will only be called once per request. It will be passed another callback which takes a byte StreamChannel. onHijack must pass the channel for the connection stream to this callback, although it may do so asynchronously.

If a request is hijacked, the adapter should expect to receive a HijackException from the handler. This is a special exception used to indicate that hijacking has occurred. The adapter should avoid either sending a response or notifying the user of an error if a HijackException is caught.

An adapter can check whether a request was hijacked using canHijack, which will be false for a hijacked request. The adapter may throw an error if a HijackException is received for a non-hijacked request, or if no HijackException is received for a hijacked request.

See also hijack.


// TODO(kevmoo) finish documenting the rest of the arguments.
  String method,
  Uri requestedUri, {
  String? protocolVersion,
  Map<String, /* String | List<String> */ Object>? headers,
  String? handlerPath,
  Uri? url,
  Object? body,
  Encoding? encoding,
  Map<String, Object>? context,
  void Function(void Function(StreamChannel<List<int>>))? onHijack,
}) : this._(method, requestedUri,
          protocolVersion: protocolVersion,
          headers: headers,
          url: url,
          handlerPath: handlerPath,
          body: body,
          encoding: encoding,
          context: context,
          onHijack: onHijack == null ? null : _OnHijack(onHijack));