createScrollPosition method

  1. @override
SheetPrimaryScrollPosition createScrollPosition(
  1. ScrollPhysics physics,
  2. ScrollContext context,
  3. ScrollPosition? oldPosition

Creates a ScrollPosition for use by a Scrollable widget.

Subclasses can override this function to customize the ScrollPosition used by the scrollable widgets they control. For example, PageController overrides this function to return a page-oriented scroll position subclass that keeps the same page visible when the scrollable widget resizes.

By default, returns a ScrollPositionWithSingleContext.

The arguments are generally passed to the ScrollPosition being created:


SheetPrimaryScrollPosition createScrollPosition(
  ScrollPhysics physics,
  ScrollContext context,
  ScrollPosition? oldPosition,
) {
  return SheetPrimaryScrollPosition(
    physics: physics,
    context: context,
    oldPosition: oldPosition,
    sheetContext: sheetContext,