fetchJSON function

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> fetchJSON(
  1. String method,
  2. Map<String, dynamic> headers,
  3. Map<String, dynamic> payload,
  4. String reqUrl,

Attempts to retrieve a response of the supplied type and with the other supplied parameters. If this succeeds, the response is returned as a map. If this fails, an error is returned as a map.


Future<Map<String,dynamic>>  fetchJSON(
  String method,
  Map<String, dynamic> headers,
  Map<String, dynamic> payload,
  String reqUrl
) async {
  final Dio dioInstance = new Dio(
    new BaseOptions(
      method: method,
      headers: headers
  Response resp;
  Map<String,dynamic> result = new Map();
  if (method == 'POST'){
    try {
      resp = await dioInstance.post(reqUrl, data: payload);
      if (resp.data == ''){
        result["result"] = "success";
      else {
        result["result"] = resp.data;
      result["error"] = e.toString();
  else {
    try {
      resp = await dioInstance.get(reqUrl, data: payload);
      if (resp.data == ''){
        result["result"] = 'success';
      else {
        result["result"] = resp.data;
      result["error"] = e.toString();
  return result;