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A Dart library to interact with Sharkey, a Mastodon alternative.


This library for Dart is there to interact with Sharkey from Dart or Flutter. This repository contains the source code for this library.


If you want to add Sharkey.dart to your project's dependencies, add these lines to your project's pubspec.yaml under the dependencies section:

  sharkey: ^0.2.0


Visit this link to reference APIs and how to use them. If you would like to see some code, you can do so by viewing how the APIs are used in the file containing Sharkey.dart's unit tests here.

If you would like more information, the included example may help in giving you an idea of how to use the APIs Sharkey.dart provides. The example can be found in the example directory.


The changelog for this package can be found here.

NOTE :scroll:

  • Sharkey.dart by Alexander Abraham a.k.a. "Angel Dollface"
  • Licensed under the DSL v1.