pub package

Shared Value

A wrapper over InheritedModel, this module allows you to easily manage global state in flutter apps.

At a high level, SharedValue puts your variables in an intelligent "container" that is flutter-aware.

It can be viewed as a low-boilerplate generalization of the Provider state management solution.


1. Initialize

// This global SharedValue can be shared across the entire app
final SharedValue<int> counter = SharedValue(
  value: 0, // initial value (optional)

main() {
    // don't forget this!

2. Use

Unlike other state management solutions, SharedValue works everywhere you'd expect dart code to work, even without a BuildContext.

// Read [counter]

// Update [counter]
counter.value += 1;

// Use [counter] in widgets, and let shared value do the rest.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {

  // The .of(context) bit makes this widget rebuild automatically
  int counterValue = counter.of(context);

  return Text("Counter: $counterValue");

3. Persist

// provide a shared_prefences key
final SharedValue<int> counter = SharedValue(
  key: "counter", // disk storage key for shared_preferences (optional)
  autosave: true, // autosave to shared prefs when value changes (optional)

// Load [counter]'s value from shared preferences
await counter.load();

// Store [counter]'s value to shared preferences (enabling `autosave` does this automatically)

4. Be cool

Use .$ as an alias for .value :)



Shared value is smart enough to only rebuild the widget that subscribes to updates using .of(context), no more, no less.