createPrefProvider<T> function
Returns the Provider
that has access to the value of preferences.
Persist the value of the type parameter T type in SharedPreferences.
The argument prefs
specifies an instance of SharedPreferences.
The arguments prefKey
and defaultValue
specify the key name and default
value of the preference.
Future<void> main() async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final booPrefProvider = createPrefProvider<bool>(
prefs: (_) => prefs,
prefKey: "boolValue",
defaultValue: false,
When referring to a value, use it as you would a regular provider.
Consumer(builder: (context, watch, _) {
final value = watch(booPrefProvider);
To change the value, use the update() method.
await watch(booPrefProvider.notifier).update(true);
StateNotifierProvider<PrefNotifier<T>, T> createPrefProvider<T>({
required SharedPreferences Function(Ref) prefs,
required String prefKey,
required T defaultValue,
}) {
return StateNotifierProvider<PrefNotifier<T>, T>(
(ref) => PrefNotifier<T>(prefs(ref), prefKey, defaultValue));