findNewShaderIds method

  1. @override
Future<FindShaderIdsResponse> findNewShaderIds(
  1. Set<String> storeShaderIds

Returns a new FindShaderIdsResponse with a list of the new shader ids.

  • storeShaderIds: The list of stored shader ids

Upon success a list of new shader ids is provided

In case of error a ResponseError is set and no shader id list is provided


Future<FindShaderIdsResponse> findNewShaderIds(
    Set<String> storeShaderIds) async {
  final newShaderIds = <String>[];
  var addShaderIds = <String>{};
  var from = 0;
  final num = _options.shaderCount;
  do {
    final clientResponse = await _hybridClient.findShaderIds(
        sort: Sort.newest, from: from, num: num);
    if (!clientResponse.ok) {
      return clientResponse;
    final shaderIds = clientResponse.ids ?? [];
    final clientShaderIds = shaderIds.toSet();
    addShaderIds = clientShaderIds.difference(storeShaderIds);
    shaderIds.retainWhere((shaderId) => addShaderIds.contains(shaderId));
    from += num;
  } while (addShaderIds.isNotEmpty && addShaderIds.length == num);

  return FindShaderIdsResponse(ids: newShaderIds);