Shaburger constructor

  1. String name = _baseName,
  2. bool logToFile = false,
  3. String? path,
  4. String? filename,

Factory constructor allowing to parametrized the next call to logging name : the name of the logger, also the key inside loggers, if no name is given default to main prefix : the prefix for each logged line logToFile : Logging will be also written to file (sync) path : if logToFile is true , this allow to indicate the path where to write the log filename : if logToFile is true , this allow to indicate the name of the log file


factory Shaburger(
    {String name = _baseName,
    bool logToFile = false,
    String? path,
    String? filename}) {
  if (_instances.containsKey(name)) {
    return _instances[name]!;
  } else {
    Shaburger instance = Shaburger._(
        name: name, logToFile: logToFile, path: path, filename: filename);

    _instances[name] = instance;
    return instance;