getField method

dynamic getField(
  1. eField fld, {
  2. eUnits units = eUnits.U_NATIVE,
  3. String? pstr,
  4. bool bStrUnits = false,

getField() Return requested field as a double (function return value) or as a text string (*pstr) in the units requested (eUnit). Set 'bStrUnits' to true to have units appended to text string.

Note: numeric return values are cached; asking for the same field more than once incurs minimal overhead.


dynamic getField(
  eField fld, {
  eUnits units: eUnits.U_NATIVE,
  /* = U_NATIVE */
  String? pstr /* = NULL     */,
  bool bStrUnits: false /* = false    */,
}) {
  assert((eField.FLD_NORADNUM.index <= fld.index) &&
      (fld.index < eField.FLD_LAST.index));
  assert((eUnits.U_RAD.index <= units.index) &&
      (units.index < eUnits.U_LAST.index));

  if (pstr != null) {
    // Return requested field in string form.
    pstr = field[fld.index];

    if (bStrUnits) {
      pstr += getUnits(fld)!;

    return pstr;
  } else {
    // Return requested field in floating-point form.
    // Return cache contents if it exists, else populate cache
    int key = Key(units, fld);

    if (!mapCache.containsKey(key)) {
      // Value not in cache; add it
      double valNative = double.tryParse(field[fld.index])!;
      double valConv = convertUnits(valNative, fld, units);
      mapCache[key] = valConv;

      return valConv;
    } else {
      // return cached value
      return mapCache[key];