userPinValidator function

String? userPinValidator(
  1. dynamic val

This function performs validation on a user-entered PIN value. It ensures that the PIN is not empty, consists of only digits, and has a minimum length of four. The function returns an error message string if the validation fails, otherwise it returns null to indicate a valid PIN.

@param val The user-entered PIN value to be validated. @return An error message string if validation fails, otherwise null.


String? userPinValidator(dynamic val) {
  final String value = val as String;
  if (value.isEmpty) {
    return 'A PIN is required';
  if (!RegExp(r'^-?[0-9]+$').hasMatch(value)) {
    return 'Only digits are allowed, 0-9';
  if (value.length < 4) {
    return 'Enter a four digit PIN';
  return null;