roleValueFromJson function

RoleValue roleValueFromJson(
  1. String? roleString

Converts a JSON role string to a corresponding RoleValue enumeration.

This function takes a JSON role string as input and converts it to the corresponding RoleValue enumeration. If the input string is null, empty, or matches the constant UNKNOWN, the function returns the default role RoleValue.CONTENT_MANAGEMENT. Otherwise, it compares the lowercase names of the RoleValue enum values with the lowercase input string to find a match. The first matching RoleValue enum is returned. If no match is found, an exception will be thrown.

@param roleString The JSON role string to convert to a RoleValue enum. @return A RoleValue enum corresponding to the input role string.


RoleValue roleValueFromJson(String? roleString) {
  if (roleString == null || roleString.isEmpty || roleString == UNKNOWN) {
    return RoleValue.CONTENT_MANAGEMENT;

  return RoleValue.values.firstWhere((RoleValue role) {
    return == 0;