extractErrorCode function

int extractErrorCode(
  1. Map<String, dynamic>? body

Extracts an error code from a JSON response body.

This function takes a JSON response body as input and attempts to extract an error code. If the input body is not null and contains a key named 'code', the value associated with the 'code' key is extracted as a string. The extracted string is then parsed to an integer using int.tryParse. If parsing is successful, the integer value is returned. If parsing fails or the 'code' key is not present, a default error code of 11 is returned.

@param body The JSON response body from which to extract the error code. @return An integer error code extracted from the JSON response body, or a default value of 11.


int extractErrorCode(Map<String, dynamic>? body) {
  if (body != null && body.containsKey('code')) {
    final String code = body['code']?.toString() ?? '';
    return int.tryParse(code) ?? 11;
  } else {
    return 11;