
CI/CD for settings_builder Pub Version

A dart builder that generates automatic accessors for reading and writing shared preferences.

Table of contents

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  • Generates compile time safe access to SharedPreferences.
  • Assumes a native API like shared_preferences
    • Does not depend on that package, which means you can implement your own if whished.
    • Works with non flutter projects
  • Built-In support for all types compatible with SharedPreferences
    • Allow definition of default values
    • Supports any type via custom converters.
  • Hierarchical structuring


As this is a builder package, you need to also install the annotations and build_runner:

  settings_annotation: <latest>

  build_runner: <latest>
  settings_builder: <latest>


The following is a very basic example to get started. For a more feature complete example, check out the Example page.

Generating the settings does not required much setup. The following is a very basic example to get things running. It provides a simple settings instance with two entries: a logLevel, stored as an int, and an account. The account itself is a subgroup that contains a loggedIn boolean which defaults to false and a name.

part 'settings.g.dart'; // assume this file is named 'settings.dart'

abstract class AccountSettings with _$AccountSettings {
  @SettingsEntry(defaultValue: false)
  bool get loggedIn;

  String? get name;

@SettingsGroup(root: true)
abstract class Settings with _$Settings {
  factory Settings(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, [String? prefix]) =

  static Future<Settings> getInstance([String? prefix]) =>

  AccountSettings get account;

  int? get logLevel;

Now run dart run build_runner build and the code will get generated.

To use these generated settings, you can simply create a new instance via getInstance and then use the getters and the other generated members:

final settings = await Settings.getInstance();

// the keys under which settings are stored are auto generated:
print(settings.account.loggedInKey); // prints 'account.loggedIn'
print(settings.logLevelKey); // prints 'logLevel'

// initially, values are not set:
print(settings.account.hasLoggedIn); // prints false
print(settings.account.loggedIn); // prints false
print(settings.hasLogLevel); // prints false
print(settings.logLevel); // prints null

// you can update them:
await settings.setLogLevel(10);
print(settings.hasLogLevel); // prints true
print(settings.logLevel); // prints 10

// and you can remove them again
await settings.removeLogLevel();
print(settings.hasLogLevel); // prints false
print(settings.logLevel); // prints null


The documentation is available on

