ServerpodClientShared class abstract

Superclass with shared methods for handling communication with the server. It's overridden i two different versions depending on if the dart:io library is available.


Constructors host, SerializationManager serializationManager, {dynamic context, AuthenticationKeyManager? authenticationKeyManager, bool logFailedCalls = true, Duration streamingConnectionTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 5)})
Creates a new ServerpodClient.


authenticationKeyManager AuthenticationKeyManager?
Optional AuthenticationKeyManager if the client needs to sign the user in.
connectivityMonitor ConnectivityMonitor?
Set a connectivity monitor to better manage streaming connections. You can find the FlutterConnectivityMonitor in the serverpod_flutter package.
getter/setter pair
endpointRefLookup Map<String, EndpointRef>
Looks up an EndpointRef by its name. This method is typically only used internally and overridden by generated code.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
host String
Full url to the Serverpod server. E.g. ""
isWebSocketConnected bool
Returns true if the web socket is connected.
no setter
logFailedCalls bool
If true, the client will log any failed calls to stdout.
moduleLookup Map<String, ModuleEndpointCaller>
Looks up module callers by their name. Overridden by generated code.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
serializationManager SerializationManager
The SerializationManager used to serialize objects sent to the server.
streamingConnectionStatus StreamingConnectionStatus
Returns the current status of the streaming connection. It can be one of connected, connecting, or disconnected. Use the StreamingConnectionHandler if you want to automatically reconnect if the connection is lost.
no setter
streamingConnectionTimeout Duration
Timeout when opening a web socket connection. If no message has been received within the timeout duration the socket will be closed.
websocketHost Future<String>
Full host name of the web socket endpoint. E.g. "wss://"
no setter


addStreamingConnectionStatusListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Adds a callback for when the streamingConnectionStatus property is changed.
addWebSocketConnectionStatusListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Adds a callback for when the isWebSocketConnected property is changed.
callServerEndpoint<T>(String endpoint, String method, Map<String, dynamic> args) Future<T>
Calls a server endpoint method by its name, passing arguments in a map. Typically, this method is called by generated code.
close() → void
Closes all open connections to the server.
closeStreamingConnection() Future<void>
Closes the streaming connection if it is open.
connectWebSocket() Future<void>
Open a streaming connection to the server.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
openStreamingConnection({bool disconnectOnLostInternetConnection = true}) Future<void>
Open a streaming connection to the server.
reconnectWebSocket() Future<void>
Closes the current web socket connection (if open), then connects again.
removeStreamingConnectionStatusListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Removes a connection status listener.
removeWebSocketConnectionStatusListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Removes a connection status listener.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateStreamingConnectionAuthenticationKey(String? authKey) Future<void>
Updates the authentication key if the streaming connection is open.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.