insert static method

  1. @Deprecated('Will be removed in 2.0.0. Use: db.insert instead. Important note: In db.insert, the object you pass in is no longer modified, instead a new copy with the added row is returned which contains the inserted id.')
Future<void> insert(
  1. Session session,
  2. QueryLogEntry row, {
  3. Transaction? transaction,


    'Will be removed in 2.0.0. Use: db.insert instead. Important note: In db.insert, the object you pass in is no longer modified, instead a new copy with the added row is returned which contains the inserted id.')
static Future<void> insert(
  _i1.Session session,
  QueryLogEntry row, {
  _i1.Transaction? transaction,
}) async {
  return session.db.insert(
    transaction: transaction,