handleUriCall method

Future<Result> handleUriCall(
  1. Server server,
  2. String endpointName,
  3. Uri uri,
  4. String body,
  5. HttpRequest request,

Dispatches a call to the Server to the correct Endpoint method. If successful, it returns the object from the method. If unsuccessful it will return a Result object.


Future<Result> handleUriCall(Server server, String endpointName, Uri uri,
    String body, HttpRequest request) async {
  var endpointComponents = endpointName.split('.');
  if (endpointComponents.isEmpty || endpointComponents.length > 2) {
    return ResultInvalidParams(
        'Endpoint $endpointName is not a valid endpoint name');

  // Find correct connector
  var connector = getConnectorByName(endpointName);
  if (connector == null) {
    return ResultInvalidParams('Endpoint $endpointName does not exist');

  MethodCallSession session;

  try {
    session = MethodCallSession(
      server: server,
      uri: uri,
      body: body,
      endpointName: endpointName,
      httpRequest: request,
      enableLogging: connector.endpoint.logSessions,
  } catch (e) {
    return ResultInvalidParams('Malformed call: $uri');

  var methodName = session.methodName;
  var inputParams = session.queryParameters;

  try {
    var authFailed = await canUserAccessEndpoint(session, connector.endpoint);
    if (authFailed != null) {
      return authFailed;

    var method = connector.methodConnectors[methodName];
    if (method == null) {
      await session.close();
      return ResultInvalidParams(
          'Method $methodName not found in call: $uri');

    // TODO: Check parameters and check null safety

    var paramMap = <String, dynamic>{};
    for (var paramName in inputParams.keys) {
      var type = method.params[paramName]?.type;
      if (type == null) continue;
      var formatted = _formatArg(
          inputParams[paramName], type, server.serializationManager);
      paramMap[paramName] = formatted;

    var result = await method.call(session, paramMap);

    // Print session info
    // var authenticatedUserId = connector.endpoint.requireLogin ? await session.auth.authenticatedUserId : null;

    await session.close();

    return ResultSuccess(
      sendByteDataAsRaw: connector.endpoint.sendByteDataAsRaw,
  } catch (e, stackTrace) {
    // Something did not work out
    var sessionLogId = await session.close(error: e, stackTrace: stackTrace);
    return ResultInternalServerError(
        e.toString(), stackTrace, sessionLogId ?? 0);