deserialize<T> method

  1. @override
T deserialize<T>(
  1. dynamic data, [
  2. Type? t

Deserialize the provided json data to an object of type t or T.


T deserialize<T>(
  dynamic data, [
  Type? t,
]) {
  t ??= T;
  if (customConstructors.containsKey(t)) {
    return customConstructors[t]!(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i2.AuthKey) {
    return _i2.AuthKey.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i3.CacheInfo) {
    return _i3.CacheInfo.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i4.CachesInfo) {
    return _i4.CachesInfo.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i5.CloudStorageEntry) {
    return _i5.CloudStorageEntry.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i6.CloudStorageDirectUploadEntry) {
    return _i6.CloudStorageDirectUploadEntry.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i7.ClusterInfo) {
    return _i7.ClusterInfo.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i8.ClusterServerInfo) {
    return _i8.ClusterServerInfo.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i9.DistributedCacheEntry) {
    return _i9.DistributedCacheEntry.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i10.FutureCallEntry) {
    return _i10.FutureCallEntry.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i11.LogEntry) {
    return _i11.LogEntry.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i12.LogLevel) {
    return _i12.LogLevel.fromJson(data) as T;
  if (t == _i13.LogResult) {
    return _i13.LogResult.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i14.LogSettings) {
    return _i14.LogSettings.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i15.LogSettingsOverride) {
    return _i15.LogSettingsOverride.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i16.MessageLogEntry) {
    return _i16.MessageLogEntry.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i17.MethodInfo) {
    return _i17.MethodInfo.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i18.QueryLogEntry) {
    return _i18.QueryLogEntry.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i19.ReadWriteTestEntry) {
    return _i19.ReadWriteTestEntry.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i20.RuntimeSettings) {
    return _i20.RuntimeSettings.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i21.ServerHealthConnectionInfo) {
    return _i21.ServerHealthConnectionInfo.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i22.ServerHealthMetric) {
    return _i22.ServerHealthMetric.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i23.ServerHealthResult) {
    return _i23.ServerHealthResult.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i24.SessionLogEntry) {
    return _i24.SessionLogEntry.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i25.SessionLogFilter) {
    return _i25.SessionLogFilter.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i26.SessionLogInfo) {
    return _i26.SessionLogInfo.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i27.SessionLogResult) {
    return _i27.SessionLogResult.fromJson(data, this) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i2.AuthKey?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i2.AuthKey.fromJson(data, this) : null) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i3.CacheInfo?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i3.CacheInfo.fromJson(data, this) : null) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i4.CachesInfo?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i4.CachesInfo.fromJson(data, this) : null) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i5.CloudStorageEntry?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i5.CloudStorageEntry.fromJson(data, this) : null)
        as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i6.CloudStorageDirectUploadEntry?>()) {
    return (data != null
        ? _i6.CloudStorageDirectUploadEntry.fromJson(data, this)
        : null) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i7.ClusterInfo?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i7.ClusterInfo.fromJson(data, this) : null) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i8.ClusterServerInfo?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i8.ClusterServerInfo.fromJson(data, this) : null)
        as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i9.DistributedCacheEntry?>()) {
    return (data != null
        ? _i9.DistributedCacheEntry.fromJson(data, this)
        : null) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i10.FutureCallEntry?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i10.FutureCallEntry.fromJson(data, this) : null)
        as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i11.LogEntry?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i11.LogEntry.fromJson(data, this) : null) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i12.LogLevel?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i12.LogLevel.fromJson(data) : null) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i13.LogResult?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i13.LogResult.fromJson(data, this) : null) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i14.LogSettings?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i14.LogSettings.fromJson(data, this) : null) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i15.LogSettingsOverride?>()) {
    return (data != null
        ? _i15.LogSettingsOverride.fromJson(data, this)
        : null) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i16.MessageLogEntry?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i16.MessageLogEntry.fromJson(data, this) : null)
        as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i17.MethodInfo?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i17.MethodInfo.fromJson(data, this) : null) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i18.QueryLogEntry?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i18.QueryLogEntry.fromJson(data, this) : null)
        as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i19.ReadWriteTestEntry?>()) {
    return (data != null
        ? _i19.ReadWriteTestEntry.fromJson(data, this)
        : null) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i20.RuntimeSettings?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i20.RuntimeSettings.fromJson(data, this) : null)
        as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i21.ServerHealthConnectionInfo?>()) {
    return (data != null
        ? _i21.ServerHealthConnectionInfo.fromJson(data, this)
        : null) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i22.ServerHealthMetric?>()) {
    return (data != null
        ? _i22.ServerHealthMetric.fromJson(data, this)
        : null) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i23.ServerHealthResult?>()) {
    return (data != null
        ? _i23.ServerHealthResult.fromJson(data, this)
        : null) as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i24.SessionLogEntry?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i24.SessionLogEntry.fromJson(data, this) : null)
        as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i25.SessionLogFilter?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i25.SessionLogFilter.fromJson(data, this) : null)
        as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i26.SessionLogInfo?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i26.SessionLogInfo.fromJson(data, this) : null)
        as T;
  if (t == _i1.getType<_i27.SessionLogResult?>()) {
    return (data != null ? _i27.SessionLogResult.fromJson(data, this) : null)
        as T;
  if (t == List<String>) {
    return (data as List).map((e) => deserialize<String>(e)).toList()
        as dynamic;
  if (t == _i1.getType<List<String>?>()) {
    return (data != null
        ? (data as List).map((e) => deserialize<String>(e)).toList()
        : null) as dynamic;
  if (t == List<_i28.ClusterServerInfo>) {
    return (data as List)
        .map((e) => deserialize<_i28.ClusterServerInfo>(e))
        .toList() as dynamic;
  if (t == List<_i28.LogEntry>) {
    return (data as List).map((e) => deserialize<_i28.LogEntry>(e)).toList()
        as dynamic;
  if (t == List<_i28.LogSettingsOverride>) {
    return (data as List)
        .map((e) => deserialize<_i28.LogSettingsOverride>(e))
        .toList() as dynamic;
  if (t == List<_i28.ServerHealthMetric>) {
    return (data as List)
        .map((e) => deserialize<_i28.ServerHealthMetric>(e))
        .toList() as dynamic;
  if (t == List<_i28.ServerHealthConnectionInfo>) {
    return (data as List)
        .map((e) => deserialize<_i28.ServerHealthConnectionInfo>(e))
        .toList() as dynamic;
  if (t == List<_i28.QueryLogEntry>) {
    return (data as List)
        .map((e) => deserialize<_i28.QueryLogEntry>(e))
        .toList() as dynamic;
  if (t == List<_i28.MessageLogEntry>) {
    return (data as List)
        .map((e) => deserialize<_i28.MessageLogEntry>(e))
        .toList() as dynamic;
  if (t == List<_i28.SessionLogInfo>) {
    return (data as List)
        .map((e) => deserialize<_i28.SessionLogInfo>(e))
        .toList() as dynamic;
  return super.deserialize<T>(data, t);