serdes_json - is a simple and clean json serializer and deserializer.
To create serializable model just describe your model, add Scheme
suffix to the end of class name,
and annotate with @SerdesJson
. That's it!
This package is used only as a data holder and validation unit. You can't add additional methods to a model, at least for now. If you need a more flexible library, you can use json_serializable.
To use serdes_json you need install serdes_json and serdes_json_generator:
serdes_json: <version>
serdes_json_generator: <version>
Generate models
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
Model with all required fields
import 'package:serdes_json/serdes_json.dart';
part 'schemes.g.dart';
class NewsListScheme {
late List<NewsItemScheme> news;
// You can define private schemes.
class _UserScheme {
late String name;
class NewsItemScheme {
late int id;
late String title;
late String description;
late int commentsCount;
Snake case models
To convert all names to snake case, add convertToSnakeCase: true
to the annotation:
@SerdesJson(convertToSnakeCase: true)
class NewsItemScheme {
late int id;
late String title;
late String description;
late int commentsCount;
Rename field
You can manually specify names for field:
class PayloadScheme {
late int id;
late String title;
late String description;
@SerdesJsonField(name: 'comments_count')
late int commentsCount;
Use custom suffix
@SerdesJson(endsWith: 'Response')
class NewsItemResponse {
late int id;
late String title;
late String description;
late int commentsCount;
By default all fields are required, and if there will not be a field, then parser will throw the SchemeConsistencyException
To describe optional fields:
class PayloadScheme {
late Map<String, dynamic>? result;
late ErrorScheme? error;
Type adapters
Custom validations
To json
final news = NewsItem(
id: 1,
title: 'Some new',
description: 'Description',
commentsCount: 12,
final json = news.toJson();
final stringJson = news.toStringJson();
From json
final json = _client.getJsonBody(response);
final jsonString = _client.getStringJsonBody(response);
final news = NewsItem.fromJson(json);
final news = NewsItem.fromStringJson(jsonString);