verifyLink method

  1. @override
  2. @visibleForTesting
  3. @experimental
Future<void> verifyLink(
  1. String linkName,
  2. List<int> sourceIds,
  3. List<int> targetIds

Verifies the integrity of a link.

Throws an exception if not exactly sourceIds as linked to the targetIds.

Do not use this method in production apps.


Future<void> verifyLink(
  String linkName,
  List<int> sourceIds,
  List<int> targetIds,
) {
  return _spanHelper.asyncWrapInSpan(
    () {
      // ignore: invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member
      return _isarCollection.verifyLink(linkName, sourceIds, targetIds);
    dbName: _dbName,
    collectionName: name,