Breadcrumb.http constructor

  1. required Uri url,
  2. required String method,
  3. int? statusCode,
  4. String? reason,
  5. Duration? requestDuration,
  6. SentryLevel? level,
  7. DateTime? timestamp,
  8. int? requestBodySize,
  9. int? responseBodySize,
  10. String? httpQuery,
  11. String? httpFragment,


factory Breadcrumb.http({
  required Uri url,
  required String method,
  int? statusCode,
  String? reason,
  Duration? requestDuration,
  SentryLevel? level,
  DateTime? timestamp,

  // Size of the request body in bytes
  int? requestBodySize,

  // Size of the response body in bytes
  int? responseBodySize,
  String? httpQuery,
  String? httpFragment,
}) {
  return Breadcrumb(
    type: 'http',
    category: 'http',
    level: level,
    timestamp: timestamp,
    data: {
      'url': url.toString(),
      'method': method,
      if (statusCode != null) 'status_code': statusCode,
      if (reason != null) 'reason': reason,
      if (requestDuration != null) 'duration': requestDuration.toString(),
      if (requestBodySize != null) 'request_body_size': requestBodySize,
      if (responseBodySize != null) 'response_body_size': responseBodySize,
      if (httpQuery != null) 'http.query': httpQuery,
      if (httpFragment != null) 'http.fragment': httpFragment,