framesOmitted property

List<int> get framesOmitted

Which frames were omitted, if any.

If the list of frames is large, you can explicitly tell the system that you’ve omitted a range of frames. The frames_omitted must be a single tuple two values: start and end. Example : If you only removed the 8th frame, the value would be (8, 9), meaning it started at the 8th frame, and went until the 9th (the number of frames omitted is end-start). The values should be based on a one-index.


/// Example : If you only removed the 8th frame, the value would be (8, 9),
/// meaning it started at the 8th frame, and went until the 9th (the number of frames omitted is end-start).
/// The values should be based on a one-index.
List<int> get framesOmitted => List.unmodifiable(_framesOmitted ?? const []);