Sentiance Flutter SDK - SentianceDrivingInsights

Demo Application

Getting started

To get started with the Sentiance Flutter Plugin, please check the getting started guide.

Native SDK Version

This plugin is built with following native Sentiance SDK versions

iOS: SENTSDK (~> 6.12.0)
Android: com.sentiance.sdk (6.12.+)
Android: com.sentiance.sdk-user-context (6.12.+)
Android: com.sentiance.sdk-driving-insights (6.12.+)

Supported APIs

Here is a list of APIs that the Sentiance Flutter Plugin currently supports:

  • getDrivingInsights()
  • getHarshDrivingEvents()
  • getPhoneUsageEvents()
  • getCallWhileMovingEvents()
  • getSpeedingEvents()
  • initializeListener()

Please note that future releases will contain more APIs.

For the full changelog and more, visit