style property

The style definitions for the component. Allows you to configure: SeniorPinCodeFieldStyle.defaultBorderColor the default color for the border color. The color displayed when the field is not in focus, has no content, or in an no-error state. SeniorPinCodeFieldStyle.disabledDefaultBorderColor the default color for the border color. The color displayed when the field has no content and is disabled. SeniorPinCodeFieldStyle.disabledHasTextBorderColor the border color for when the field has content and is disabled. SeniorPinCodeFieldStyle.disabledPinBoxColor the field text color for when it is disabled. SeniorPinCodeFieldStyle.disabledPinTextColor the field's background color for when it is disabled. SeniorPinCodeFieldStyle.errorBorderColor the border color for fields that are in an error state. SeniorPinCodeFieldStyle.hasTextBorderColor the border color for when the field has content. SeniorPinCodeFieldStyle.highlightColor the border color for when the field is in focus. SeniorPinCodeFieldStyle.pinBoxColor the field's background color. SeniorPinCodeFieldStyle.pinTextColor the text color of the field.


final SeniorPinCodeFieldStyle? style;