SeniorLinearLongPressButton constructor

const SeniorLinearLongPressButton({
  1. Key? key,
  2. bool busy = false,
  3. required String busyMessage,
  4. required IconData icon,
  5. required int duration,
  6. bool fullLength = false,
  7. required String label,
  8. required VoidCallback onSubmit,
  9. VoidCallback? onTapDown,
  10. VoidCallback? onTapUp,

Creates the Long Press Button component of the design system. The icon, duration and onSubmit parameters are required.


const SeniorLinearLongPressButton({
  Key? key,
  this.busy = false,
  required this.busyMessage,
  required this.icon,
  required this.duration,
  this.fullLength = false,
  required this.label,
  required this.onSubmit,
}) : super(key: key);