style property

SeniorCheckboxStyle? style

Component style definitions. Allows you to configure: SeniorCheckboxStyle.activeColor The color to use when this checkbox is checked. SeniorCheckboxStyle.checkColor The color to use for the check icon when this checkbox is checked. SeniorCheckboxStyle.checkedBorderColor The color of the checkbox border. SeniorCheckboxStyle.disabledBorderColor The border color of the checkbox when disabled. SeniorCheckboxStyle.disabledCheckColor The color to use for the check icon when this checkbox is checked and it is disabled. SeniorCheckboxStyle.disabledTitleColor The color of the checkbox title when disabled. SeniorCheckboxStyle.titleColor The color of the checkbox title. SeniorCheckboxStyle.uncheckedBorderColor The color of the checkbox border when it is not checked.


final SeniorCheckboxStyle? style;