SeniorButton.primary constructor

  1. Key? key,
  2. bool disabled,
  3. required String label,
  4. required VoidCallback onPressed,
  5. bool busy,
  6. String? busyMessage,
  7. IconData? icon,
  8. bool outlined,
  9. bool danger,
  10. bool fullWidth,
  11. SeniorButtonStyle? style,

Creates a button with the Senior Design system determinations for the primary button. The label and onPressed parameters are required.


factory SeniorButton.primary({
  Key? key,
  bool disabled,
  required String label,
  required VoidCallback onPressed,
  bool busy,
  String? busyMessage,
  IconData? icon,
  bool outlined,
  bool danger,
  bool fullWidth,
  SeniorButtonStyle? style,
}) = _SeniorButtonPrimary;