FakeSDNApi constructor



    : super((request) async {
        // Collect data from Request
        var action = request.url.path;
        if (request.url.path.contains('/_api')) {
          action =

        if (action.endsWith('?')) {
          action = action.substring(0, action.length - 1);
        if (action.endsWith('/')) {
          action = action.substring(0, action.length - 1);
        final method = request.method;
        final dynamic data =
            method == 'GET' ? request.url.queryParameters : request.body;
        dynamic res = <String, Object?>{};
        var statusCode = 200;

        //print('\$method request to $action with Data: $data');

        // Sync requests with timeout
        if (data is Map<String, Object?> && data['timeout'] is String) {
          await Future<void>.delayed(Duration(seconds: 5));

        if (request.url.origin != 'https://fakeserver.notexisting') {
          return Response(
              '<html><head></head><body>Not found...</body></html>', 404);

        // Call API
        if (!calledEndpoints.containsKey(action)) {
          calledEndpoints[action] = [];
        if (api.containsKey(method) && api[method]!.containsKey(action)) {
          res = api[method]![action]?.call(data);
          if (res is Map && res.containsKey('errcode')) {
            statusCode = 405;
        } else if (method == 'PUT' &&
            action.contains('/client/v3/sendToDevice/')) {
          res = <String, Object?>{};
        } else if (method == 'GET' &&
            action.contains('/client/v3/rooms/') &&
            action.contains('/state/m.room.member/')) {
          res = {'displayname': ''};
        } else if (method == 'PUT' &&
                '/client/v3/rooms/!1234%3AfakeServer.notExisting/send/')) {
          res = {'event_id': '\$event${FakeSDNApi.eventCounter++}'};
        } else if (action.contains('/client/v3/sync')) {
          res = {
            'next_batch': DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch.toString
        } else {
          res = {
            'errcode': 'M_UNRECOGNIZED',
            'error': 'Unrecognized request'
          statusCode = 405;

        return Response.bytes(utf8.encode(json.encode(res)), statusCode);