mention property

String get mention

Get the mention text to use in a plain text body to mention this specific user in this specific room


String get mention {
  // if the displayname has [ or ] or : we can't build our more fancy stuff, so fall back to the id
  // [] is used for the delimitors
  // If we allowed : we could get collissions with the mxid fallbacks
  final displayName = this.displayName;
  if (displayName == null ||
      displayName.isEmpty ||
      {'[', ']', ':'}.any(displayName.contains)) {
    return id;

  final identifier =
      '@${RegExp(r'^\w+$').hasMatch(displayName) ? displayName : '[$displayName]'}';

  // get all the users with the same display name
  final allUsersWithSameDisplayname = room.getParticipants();
  allUsersWithSameDisplayname.removeWhere((user) => == id ||
      (user.displayName?.isEmpty ?? true) ||
      user.displayName != displayName);
  if (allUsersWithSameDisplayname.isEmpty) {
    return identifier;
  // ok, we have multiple users with the same display name....time to calculate a hash
  final hashes = => _hash(;
  final ourHash = _hash(id);
  // hash collission...just return our own mxid again
  if (hashes.contains(ourHash)) {
    return id;
  return '$identifier#$ourHash';