updateUserDeviceKeys method

Future<void> updateUserDeviceKeys({
  1. Set<String>? additionalUsers,


Future<void> updateUserDeviceKeys({Set<String>? additionalUsers}) async {
  try {
    final database = this.database;
    if (!isLogged() || database == null) return;
    final dbActions = <Future<dynamic> Function()>[];
    final trackedUserIds = await _getUserIdsInEncryptedRooms();
    if (!isLogged()) return;
    if (additionalUsers != null) trackedUserIds.addAll(additionalUsers);

    // Remove all userIds we no longer need to track the devices of.
        .removeWhere((String userId, v) => !trackedUserIds.contains(userId));

    // Check if there are outdated device key lists. Add it to the set.
    final outdatedLists = <String, List<String>>{};
    for (final userId in (additionalUsers ?? <String>[])) {
      outdatedLists[userId] = [];
    for (final userId in trackedUserIds) {
      final deviceKeysList =
          _userDeviceKeys[userId] ??= DeviceKeysList(userId, this);
      final failure = _keyQueryFailures[userId.domain];

      // deviceKeysList.outdated is not nullable but we have seen this error
      // in production: `Failed assertion: boolean expression must not be null`
      // So this could either be a null safety bug in Dart or a result of
      // using unsound null safety. The extra equal check `!= false` should
      // save us here.
      if (deviceKeysList.outdated != false &&
          (failure == null ||
                  .subtract(Duration(minutes: 5))
                  .isAfter(failure))) {
        outdatedLists[userId] = [];

    if (outdatedLists.isNotEmpty) {
      // Request the missing device key lists from the server.
      final response = await queryKeys(outdatedLists, timeout: 10000);
      if (!isLogged()) return;

      final deviceKeys = response.deviceKeys;
      if (deviceKeys != null) {
        for (final rawDeviceKeyListEntry in deviceKeys.entries) {
          final userId = rawDeviceKeyListEntry.key;
          final userKeys =
              _userDeviceKeys[userId] ??= DeviceKeysList(userId, this);
          final oldKeys = Map<String, DeviceKeys>.from(userKeys.deviceKeys);
          userKeys.deviceKeys = {};
          for (final rawDeviceKeyEntry
              in rawDeviceKeyListEntry.value.entries) {
            final deviceId = rawDeviceKeyEntry.key;

            // Set the new device key for this device
            final entry = DeviceKeys.fromSDNDeviceKeys(
                rawDeviceKeyEntry.value, this, oldKeys[deviceId]?.lastActive);
            final ed25519Key = entry.ed25519Key;
            final curve25519Key = entry.curve25519Key;
            if (entry.isValid &&
                deviceId == entry.deviceId &&
                ed25519Key != null &&
                curve25519Key != null) {
              // Check if deviceId or deviceKeys are known
              if (!oldKeys.containsKey(deviceId)) {
                final oldPublicKeys =
                    await database.deviceIdSeen(userId, deviceId);
                if (oldPublicKeys != null &&
                    oldPublicKeys != curve25519Key + ed25519Key) {
                      'Already seen Device ID has been added again. This might be an attack!');
                final oldDeviceId = await database.publicKeySeen(ed25519Key);
                if (oldDeviceId != null && oldDeviceId != deviceId) {
                      'Already seen ED25519 has been added again. This might be an attack!');
                final oldDeviceId2 =
                    await database.publicKeySeen(curve25519Key);
                if (oldDeviceId2 != null && oldDeviceId2 != deviceId) {
                      'Already seen Curve25519 has been added again. This might be an attack!');
                await database.addSeenDeviceId(
                    userId, deviceId, curve25519Key + ed25519Key);
                await database.addSeenPublicKey(ed25519Key, deviceId);
                await database.addSeenPublicKey(curve25519Key, deviceId);

              // is this a new key or the same one as an old one?
              // better store an update - the signatures might have changed!
              final oldKey = oldKeys[deviceId];
              if (oldKey == null ||
                  (oldKey.ed25519Key == entry.ed25519Key &&
                      oldKey.curve25519Key == entry.curve25519Key)) {
                if (oldKey != null) {
                  // be sure to save the verified status
                  entry.blocked = oldKey.blocked;
                  entry.validSignatures = oldKey.validSignatures;
                userKeys.deviceKeys[deviceId] = entry;
                if (deviceId == deviceID &&
                    entry.ed25519Key == fingerprintKey) {
                  // Always trust the own device
                dbActions.add(() => database.storeUserDeviceKey(
              } else if (oldKeys.containsKey(deviceId)) {
                // This shouldn't ever happen. The same device ID has gotten
                // a new public key. So we ignore the update. TODO: ask krille
                // if we should instead use the new key with unknown verified / blocked status
                userKeys.deviceKeys[deviceId] = oldKeys[deviceId]!;
            } else {
              Logs().w('Invalid device ${entry.userId}:${entry.deviceId}');
          // delete old/unused entries
          for (final oldDeviceKeyEntry in oldKeys.entries) {
            final deviceId = oldDeviceKeyEntry.key;
            if (!userKeys.deviceKeys.containsKey(deviceId)) {
              // we need to remove an old key
                  .add(() => database.removeUserDeviceKey(userId, deviceId));
          userKeys.outdated = false;
              .add(() => database.storeUserDeviceKeysInfo(userId, false));
      // next we parse and persist the cross signing keys
      final crossSigningTypes = {
        'master': response.masterKeys,
        'self_signing': response.selfSigningKeys,
        'user_signing': response.userSigningKeys,
      for (final crossSigningKeysEntry in crossSigningTypes.entries) {
        final keyType = crossSigningKeysEntry.key;
        final keys = crossSigningKeysEntry.value;
        if (keys == null) {
        for (final crossSigningKeyListEntry in keys.entries) {
          final userId = crossSigningKeyListEntry.key;
          final userKeys =
              _userDeviceKeys[userId] ??= DeviceKeysList(userId, this);
          final oldKeys =
              Map<String, CrossSigningKey>.from(userKeys.crossSigningKeys);
          userKeys.crossSigningKeys = {};
          // add the types we aren't handling atm back
          for (final oldEntry in oldKeys.entries) {
            if (!oldEntry.value.usage.contains(keyType)) {
              userKeys.crossSigningKeys[oldEntry.key] = oldEntry.value;
            } else {
              // There is a previous cross-signing key with  this usage, that we no
              // longer need/use. Clear it from the database.
              dbActions.add(() =>
                  database.removeUserCrossSigningKey(userId, oldEntry.key));
          final entry = CrossSigningKey.fromSDNCrossSigningKey(
              crossSigningKeyListEntry.value, this);
          final publicKey = entry.publicKey;
          if (entry.isValid && publicKey != null) {
            final oldKey = oldKeys[publicKey];
            if (oldKey == null || oldKey.ed25519Key == entry.ed25519Key) {
              if (oldKey != null) {
                // be sure to save the verification status
                entry.blocked = oldKey.blocked;
                entry.validSignatures = oldKey.validSignatures;
              userKeys.crossSigningKeys[publicKey] = entry;
            } else {
              // This shouldn't ever happen. The same device ID has gotten
              // a new public key. So we ignore the update. TODO: ask krille
              // if we should instead use the new key with unknown verified / blocked status
              userKeys.crossSigningKeys[publicKey] = oldKey;
            dbActions.add(() => database.storeUserCrossSigningKey(
          _userDeviceKeys[userId]?.outdated = false;
              .add(() => database.storeUserDeviceKeysInfo(userId, false));

      // now process all the failures
      if (response.failures != null) {
        for (final failureDomain in response.failures?.keys ?? <String>[]) {
          _keyQueryFailures[failureDomain] = DateTime.now();

    if (dbActions.isNotEmpty) {
      if (!isLogged()) return;
      await database.transaction(() async {
        for (final f in dbActions) {
          await f();
  } catch (e, s) {
    Logs().e('[LibOlm] Unable to update user device keys', e, s);