handleDeviceOneTimeKeysCount method

Future<void> handleDeviceOneTimeKeysCount(
  1. Map<String, int>? countJson,
  2. List<String>? unusedFallbackKeyTypes


Future<void> handleDeviceOneTimeKeysCount(
    Map<String, int>? countJson, List<String>? unusedFallbackKeyTypes) async {
  if (!enabled) {
  final haveFallbackKeys = encryption.isMinOlmVersion(3, 2, 0);
  // Check if there are at least half of max_number_of_one_time_keys left on the server
  // and generate and upload more if not.

  // If the server did not send us a count, assume it is 0
  final keyCount = countJson?.tryGet<int>('signed_curve25519') ?? 0;

  // If the server does not support fallback keys, it will not tell us about them.
  // If the server supports them but has no key, upload a new one.
  var unusedFallbackKey = true;
  if (unusedFallbackKeyTypes?.contains('signed_curve25519') == false) {
    unusedFallbackKey = false;

  // fixup accidental too many uploads. We delete only one of them so that the server has time to update the counts and because we will get rate limited anyway.
  if (keyCount > _olmAccount!.max_number_of_one_time_keys()) {
    final requestingKeysFrom = {
      client.userID!: {ourDeviceId!: 'signed_curve25519'}
    await client.claimKeys(requestingKeysFrom, timeout: 10000);

  // Only upload keys if they are less than half of the max or we have no unused fallback key
  if (keyCount < (_olmAccount!.max_number_of_one_time_keys() / 2) ||
      !unusedFallbackKey) {
    await uploadKeys(
      oldKeyCount: keyCount < (_olmAccount!.max_number_of_one_time_keys() / 2)
          ? keyCount
          : null,
      unusedFallbackKey: haveFallbackKeys ? unusedFallbackKey : null,