inviteToCall method

Future<CallSession> inviteToCall(
  1. String roomId,
  2. CallType type

Make a P2P call to room

roomId The room id to call

type The type of call to be made.


Future<CallSession> inviteToCall(String roomId, CallType type) async {
  final room = client.getRoomById(roomId);
  if (room == null) {
    Logs().v('[VOIP] Invalid room id [$roomId].');
    return Null as CallSession;
  final callId = 'cid${}';
  if (currentGroupCID == null) {
    incomingCallRoomId[roomId] = callId;
  final opts = CallOptions()
    ..callId = callId
    ..type = type
    ..dir = CallDirection.kOutgoing = room
    ..voip = this
    ..localPartyId = localPartyId!
    ..iceServers = await getIceSevers();

  final newCall = createNewCall(opts);
  currentCID = callId;
  await newCall.initOutboundCall(type).then((_) {
  currentCID = callId;
  return newCall;