resizeImplementation static method
you would likely want to use NativeImplementations and Client.nativeImplementations instead
static SDNImageFileResizedResponse? resizeImplementation(
SDNImageFileResizeArguments arguments) {
final image = decodeImage(arguments.bytes);
final resized = copyResize(image!,
height: image.height > image.width ? arguments.maxDimension : null,
width: image.width >= image.height ? arguments.maxDimension : null);
final encoded = encodeNamedImage(arguments.fileName, resized);
if (encoded == null) return null;
final bytes = Uint8List.fromList(encoded);
return SDNImageFileResizedResponse(
bytes: bytes,
width: resized.width,
height: resized.height,
originalHeight: image.height,
originalWidth: image.width,
blurhash: arguments.calcBlurhash
? BlurHash.encode(
numCompX: 4,
numCompY: 3,
: null,