getImagePacks method

Map<String, ImagePackContent> getImagePacks([
  1. ImagePackUsage? usage

Get all the active image packs for the specified usage, mapped by their slug


Map<String, ImagePackContent> getImagePacks([ImagePackUsage? usage]) {
  final allMxcs = <Uri>{}; // used for easy deduplication
  final packs = <String, ImagePackContent>{};

  void addImagePack(BasicEvent? event, {Room? room, String? slug}) {
    if (event == null) return;
    final imagePack = event.parsedImagePackContent;
    final finalSlug = slugify(slug ?? 'pack');
    for (final entry in imagePack.images.entries) {
      final image = entry.value;
      if (allMxcs.contains(image.url)) {
      final imageUsage = image.usage ?? imagePack.pack.usage;
      if (usage != null &&
          imageUsage != null &&
          !imageUsage.contains(usage)) {
              () => ImagePackContent.fromJson({})
                ..pack.displayName = imagePack.pack.displayName ??
                    room?.getLocalizedDisplayname() ??
                ..pack.avatarUrl = imagePack.pack.avatarUrl ?? room?.avatar
                ..pack.attribution = imagePack.pack.attribution)
          .images[entry.key] = image;

  // first we add the user image pack
  addImagePack(client.accountData['im.ponies.user_emotes'], slug: 'user');
  // next we add all the external image packs
  final packRooms = client.accountData['im.ponies.emote_rooms'];
  final rooms = packRooms?.content.tryGetMap<String, Object?>('rooms');
  if (packRooms != null && rooms != null) {
    for (final roomEntry in rooms.entries) {
      final roomId = roomEntry.key;
      final room = client.getRoomById(roomId);
      final roomEntryValue = roomEntry.value;
      if (room != null && roomEntryValue is Map<String, Object?>) {
        for (final stateKeyEntry in roomEntryValue.entries) {
          final stateKey = stateKeyEntry.key;
          final fallbackSlug =
              '${room.getLocalizedDisplayname()}-${stateKey.isNotEmpty ? '$stateKey-' : ''}${}';
          addImagePack(room.getState('im.ponies.room_emotes', stateKey),
              room: room, slug: fallbackSlug);
  // finally we add all of this rooms state
  final allRoomEmotes = states['im.ponies.room_emotes'];
  if (allRoomEmotes != null) {
    for (final entry in allRoomEmotes.entries) {
          room: this,
          slug: (entry.value.stateKey?.isNotEmpty == true)
              ? entry.value.stateKey
              : 'room');
  return packs;