calcLocalizedBody method

Future<String> calcLocalizedBody(
  1. SDNLocalizations i18n, {
  2. bool withSenderNamePrefix = false,
  3. bool hideReply = false,
  4. bool hideEdit = false,
  5. bool plaintextBody = false,
  6. bool removeMarkdown = false,

Returns a localized String representation of this event. For a room list you may find withSenderNamePrefix useful. Set hideReply to crop all lines starting with '>'. With plaintextBody it'll use the plaintextBody instead of the normal body. removeMarkdown allow to remove the markdown formating from the event body. Usefull form message preview or notifications text.


Future<String> calcLocalizedBody(SDNLocalizations i18n,
    {bool withSenderNamePrefix = false,
    bool hideReply = false,
    bool hideEdit = false,
    bool plaintextBody = false,
    bool removeMarkdown = false}) async {
  if (redacted) {
    await redactedBecause?.fetchSenderUser();

  if (withSenderNamePrefix &&
      (type == EventTypes.Message || type.contains(EventTypes.Encrypted))) {
    // To be sure that if the event need to be localized, the user is in memory.
    // used by EventLocalizations._localizedBodyNormalMessage
    await fetchSenderUser();

  return calcLocalizedBodyFallback(i18n,
      withSenderNamePrefix: withSenderNamePrefix,
      hideReply: hideReply,
      hideEdit: hideEdit,
      plaintextBody: plaintextBody,
      removeMarkdown: removeMarkdown);