lastEvent property

Event? get lastEvent


Event? get lastEvent {
  // as lastEvent calculation is based on the state events we unfortunately cannot
  // use sortOrder here: With many state events we just know which ones are the
  // newest ones, without knowing in which order they actually happened. As such,
  // using the origin_server_ts is the best guess for this algorithm. While not
  // perfect, it is only used for the room preview in the room list and sorting
  // said room list, so it should be good enough.
  var lastTime = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0);
  final lastEvents =<Event>();

  var lastEvent = lastEvents.isEmpty
      ? null
      : lastEvents.reduce((a, b) {
          if (a.originServerTs == b.originServerTs) {
            // if two events have the same sort order we want to give encrypted events a lower priority
            // This is so that if the same event exists in the state both encrypted *and* unencrypted,
            // the unencrypted one is picked
            return a.type == EventTypes.Encrypted ? b : a;
          return a.originServerTs.millisecondsSinceEpoch >
              ? a
              : b;
  if (lastEvent == null) {
    states.forEach((final String key, final entry) {
      final state = entry[''];
      if (state == null) return;
      if (state.originServerTs.millisecondsSinceEpoch >
          lastTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch) {
        lastTime = state.originServerTs;
        lastEvent = state;
  return lastEvent;