getLocalizedDisplayname method

String getLocalizedDisplayname([
  1. SDNLocalizations i18n = const SDNDefaultLocalizations()

Returns a localized displayname for this server. If the room is a groupchat without a name, then it will return the localized version of 'Group with Alice' instead of just 'Alice' to make it different to a direct chat. Empty chats will become the localized version of 'Empty Chat'. This method requires a localization class which implements SDNLocalizations


String getLocalizedDisplayname([
  SDNLocalizations i18n = const SDNDefaultLocalizations(),
]) {
  if (name.isNotEmpty) return name;

  final canonicalAlias = this.canonicalAlias.localpart;
  if (canonicalAlias != null && canonicalAlias.isNotEmpty) {
    return canonicalAlias;

  final directChatSDNID = this.directChatSDNID;
  final heroes =
      summary.mHeroes ?? (directChatSDNID == null ? [] : [directChatSDNID]);
  if (heroes.isNotEmpty) {
    final result = heroes
        .where((hero) => hero.isNotEmpty)
        .map((hero) => unsafeGetUserFromMemoryOrFallback(hero)
            .calcDisplayname(i18n: i18n))
        .join(', ');
    if (isAbandonedDMRoom) {
      return i18n.wasDirectChatDisplayName(result);

    return isDirectChat ? result : i18n.groupWith(result);
  if (membership == Membership.invite) {
    final sender = getState(EventTypes.RoomMember, client.userID!)
        .calcDisplayname(i18n: i18n);
    if (sender != null) return sender;
  if (membership == Membership.leave) {
    final invitation = getState(EventTypes.RoomMember, client.userID!);
    if (invitation != null &&
        invitation.unsigned?.tryGet<String>('prev_sender') != null) {
      final name = unsafeGetUserFromMemoryOrFallback(
          .calcDisplayname(i18n: i18n);
      return i18n.wasDirectChatDisplayName(name);
  return i18n.emptyChat;