isAttachmentInLocalStore method
Returns if an attachment is in the local store
Future<bool> isAttachmentInLocalStore({bool getThumbnail = false}) async {
if (![EventTypes.Message, EventTypes.Sticker].contains(type)) {
throw ("This event has the type '$type' and so it can't contain an attachment.");
final mxcUrl = attachmentOrThumbnailMxcUrl(getThumbnail: getThumbnail);
if (mxcUrl == null) {
throw "This event hasn't any attachment or thumbnail.";
getThumbnail = mxcUrl != attachmentMxcUrl;
// Is this file storeable?
final thisInfoMap = getThumbnail ? thumbnailInfoMap : infoMap;
final database = room.client.database;
if (database == null) {
return false;
final storeable = thisInfoMap['size'] is int &&
thisInfoMap['size'] <= database.maxFileSize;
Uint8List? uint8list;
if (storeable) {
uint8list = await database.getFile(mxcUrl);
return uint8list != null;