getAttachmentUrl method
Gets the attachment https URL to display in the timeline, taking into account if the original image is tiny.
Returns null for encrypted rooms, if the image can't be fetched via http url or if the event does not contain an attachment.
Set getThumbnail
to true to fetch the thumbnail, set width
, height
and method
for the respective thumbnailing properties.
is the minimum size that an original image may be to not fetch its thumbnail, defaults to 80k
says weather to use the mxc url of the thumbnail, rather than the original attachment.
says weather the thumbnail is animated
Uri? getAttachmentUrl(
{bool getThumbnail = false,
bool useThumbnailMxcUrl = false,
double width = 800.0,
double height = 800.0,
ThumbnailMethod method = ThumbnailMethod.scale,
int minNoThumbSize = _minNoThumbSize,
bool animated = false}) {
if (![EventTypes.Message, EventTypes.Sticker].contains(type) ||
!hasAttachment ||
isAttachmentEncrypted) {
return null; // can't url-thumbnail in encrypted rooms
if (useThumbnailMxcUrl && !hasThumbnail) {
return null; // can't fetch from thumbnail
final thisInfoMap = useThumbnailMxcUrl ? thumbnailInfoMap : infoMap;
final thisMxcUrl =
useThumbnailMxcUrl ? infoMap['thumbnail_url'] : content['url'];
// if we have as method scale, we can return safely the original image, should it be small enough
if (getThumbnail &&
method == ThumbnailMethod.scale &&
thisInfoMap['size'] is int &&
thisInfoMap['size'] < minNoThumbSize) {
getThumbnail = false;
// now generate the actual URLs
if (getThumbnail) {
return Uri.parse(thisMxcUrl).getThumbnail(
width: width,
height: height,
method: method,
animated: animated,
} else {
return Uri.parse(thisMxcUrl).getDownloadLink(room.client);